Mobile: 07792 456515
Clinic Tel: 01256 702140
Skype and Zoom consultations are available.
The Odiham Clinic is conveniently located at the Farnham end of Odiham High Street, right at the top of the T-junction where London Road meets the High Street. It's easily accessible from Farnham, Guildford, Fleet, Farnborough, and Basingstoke.
2 High Street, Odiham, Hook, Hampshire RG29 1LG
The first consultation may take between one or one and a half hours. Subsequent consultation will take place in 4-6 weeks and will last between 30-40 min.
Prescriptions for an acute illness, such colds, sore throat, etc are usually assessed more quickly.
Information about the presenting complaint, a full past and medical history needs to be taken, as well as information about your character, habits and lifestyle. This helps to build a full picture in order to put the present symptoms into perspective.
Anything discussed is treated with the utmost confidentiality.
Skype consultations are available.
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