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"Treatment originates outside of you, healing comes from within."

- Andrew Will, MD.


Oxalates are naturally occurring organic acids found in various foods, such as fungi, and can also be produced within the body through metabolic processes. These highly reactive compounds can bind to calcium and other minerals, reducing their absorption. They form irritating crystals that can hinder enzyme function and cause cellular damage. Most people find oxalate […]

Shyness in teenagers.

This is always an uncomfortable, often painful psychological stage for any teenager. There is a strong wish to withdraw into the background. At the same time, paradoxically, there is also a need for attention and to be noticed. In many ways, this is a fundamental dilemma for the shy adolescent, who often fails to realise, […]

Toilet training.

Potty training, although, it is a normal milestone, can be a fraught time for parents and toddlers alike. It may be easy for some children, but it is not uncommon for a toddler to have putty training problems. Some of these problems are easy to solve while others are may take a little more ingenuity […]

Ear Infections.

Two-thirds of children have had an ear infection also known as acute otitis media, before their first birthday. Young children  are susceptible to these infections in part because their eustachian tube, which connect the middle ear to the throat and nose, is underdeveloped and lies at a horizontal angle (it becomes more angled with age) […]

Homeopathy for the newborn. Colic.

Colic is usually diagnosed if the baby cries loudly for three hours a day and at least three days out of a week. There may seem to be no reason. They are fed, changed, held, but the baby is still very obviously not happy The definition of colic is pain in a hollow organ, so […]

Homeopathy in pregnancy.

Most people are aware that drugs can cross the placental barrier and might have undesirable effects on the unborn child especially during the first trimester. Many women come to use Homeopathy during pregnancy because of the safety of the homeopathic remedies. The remedies have no chemical “side effects” because of their high dilution and they […]


Post viral fatigue is not new. Many viruses are capable of leaving a “long tail”. It is not so much about the virus, but about the predisposition of the person. Mononucleosis, shingles, cytomegalovirus and others, including Covid, can cause a long term fatigue. The symptoms of the disease take a long time to resolve, 12 […]

Bereavement and coping with loss in children.

Children frequently undergo some form of loss or separation in their young lives. Many children will lose a grandparent during their childhood, and more rarely a parent. In today’s modern world, a high proportion of children will experience their parent separation and divorce and may have to adapt to a second family. However, many children […]

Stress and anxiety.

A recent survey of the traditional, complementary and natural healthcare sector revealed that homeopaths and other complementary therapists and practitioners were experiencing a 63% increase in patients presenting with mental health related issues, including anxiety and stress. Let’s have a look at what homeopathy can do to assist with this growing problem. Physical and mental […]

Bites and stings.

We all know how painful and uncomfortable a bite or sting can be. With warmer weather, we need to be fully prepared. Don’t let a bite or sting ruin your family day out or leisure activities. Whether it is wasps or hornets, bees or midgets, what usually follows is a red, swollen lump on the […]