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Elena therapist

About Me.

I was born in Russia, where after finishing Medical University I worked as a Medical Doctor for 17 years. As a Homeopath I was qualified at the Middlesex University in London. I also completed a two years post-graduation course.

I became drawn to Homeopathy, because of its approach to disease through understanding the whole person, including their body, mind, emotional state and because it can address not only the symptoms of the disease, but the predisposition of the person to have those symptoms.

I receive the great satisfaction from helping people and I truly believe in what I do.

Did You Know?

Homeopathy has been used for over 200 years and has been available on the NHS since the health service was formed in 1948. It is an important part of the health systems in many European countries including France, Germany and Italy.

I Love What I Do...

I receive the greatest satisfaction in treating and supporting people going through stages of change in their lives. It might be outward changes, such as a new job, new school or moving to a new house, which can be very challenging and stressful. Or it might be an inner change within the body, for example hormonal changes: puberty, birth or menopause. Homeopathic treatment during menopausal changes can help women to avoid having HRT treatment.

That is why I would like to bring the benefits of Homeopathy to the local community. My particular interest is in treating women and children. Homeopathy can provide support for women at a time of emotional stress, grief or simply a general sense of not feeling right. Children with learning difficulties or behavioural problems can also benefit from homeopathic treatment.

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Member of the A.R.H

The Alliance of Registered Homeopaths (ARH) is a UK professional organisation which supports and promotes a high standard of safe, effective homeopathic practice. We are committed to:

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Ensuring that quality homeopathy is available to all who wish to use it.

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Raising public awareness of the potential of homeopathic treatment.

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Encouraging co-operation between our Members and other healthcare professionals, for the benefit of patients.

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Engaging in ethical research, publishing and other activities that enhance our understanding of homeopathy.

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Alliance of Registered Homeopaths